Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Hello World

My first posting...

I need to stop and think about this for a moment.

I've attempted blogging before, but it never really stuck. I tried the "I graduated from college and am now living in New York City, therefor I should blog about it," routine, but clearly that was overdone. I'm now 25, have been out of school for three years and have lived in NYC for the majority of that time. I kept meaning to pick up blogging again, but I nothing pushed me. I was a journalism major, and have always loved to write, so it would seem that blogging would be a natural outlet for me. But I digress. I do not work in journalism, so writing is a hobby....blogging is a hobby...looks like this could be the beginning of a beautiful relationship. The one question is, who the hell would want to read what I have to write...

...Here goes...


  1. The question is not who would want to read what you write.
    Writers will write. Readers will read. Somewhere people come together, and spectacular things happen.
    The more words you put out, the more likely you'll become part of something bigger.

  2. Based on what I've seen of your writing, I think you'll do just fine in the Bloggy-Sphere.
